Sunday, February 22, 2015

Say it with me..... SAE!!!!

I can't believe how quick this week went by!!! With us being off on Monday, and me going to state college on Friday, it seemed like I had hardly anytime in the classroom, and with us doing review and testing in most of my classes, this week just seemed to blow by.

One new experience I got this week was working with students on their SAE projects. While I have done some work with my freshman students, I haven't had a chance yet to sit down with my older students and assist them with theirs.
Image result for the AET
Example of the AET System.

So this week, we took two days after class and worked on their SAE projects through AET. It was really a great opportunity to get to know my FFA members better, while also getting to know the AET system better.

I also found out that my students have some awesome SAE projects. From Maple Syrup Production to Volunteer Projects, my students covered a wide variety of topics, and it was really cool to see that. Next week, we will be working on their SAE's some more. So, my goal is to learn more about the AET system by continuing my exploration of the website and all of it's functions. 

Here's to hoping I'll become an AET Master!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Winter Weather Means....... Modified Schedule

Every Morning, I have roughly the same routine. I wake up, take a shower, prepare for the day, and go out and start my truck about 10 minutes early. Being someone who loves getting into a warm truck, Tioga County has made me appreciate it even more. Especially after weeks like these.

Thanks to this guy for coming to observe on Tuesday.
To start with, on Monday school was cancelled. It always a shame when school is cancelled, because one less day in the classroom, is one less day of learning for the students, and I do appreciate having all the days I can to cover as many topics as possible. I want them to get as much as possible out of class, and I can't do this on snow days.

Tuesday was exciting though (except for our two hour delay), because of our special guest..... Dr. Ewing. It was great seeing Dr. Ewing, and getting some feedback on my teaching style. I appreciate the tips and pointers given, and have already been trying to utilize them!!! One thing for instance is the utilization of a weekly plan, so that way every week Mr. Heyler, Mr. Boyer, and myself can sit down and actually look at how the week will progress, and how the topics and objectives in class connect and flow.

Throughout the rest of the week, my classes have been busy at work wrapping up different topics. For instance, in Ag Science we have been reviewing different topics in Asexual Propagation. and in Horticulture, we reviewed Wednesday and Thursday all the topics covered in class, from plant anatomy, to growth media, to Macro-nutrients. We were planning on having or test today, but then........... you guessed it, another snow day.

My new certificate!!!!
Today's snow day ended up being good and bad. While that is one less day to work with the students, I did end up getting the opportunity to participate in a district-wide mandatory reporter training. Whats great is that, now that the training is complete, I have my Pennsylvania Mandatory Reporter Certification, which is required to be renewed every 5 years. It's great that I got this opportunity, and am a step ahead for when I finally become a teacher.

I realize that while snow days can be a setback for students and teachers alike, it doesn't mean that some good, like professional development, can't come out of it. On to next week, where we will truly find out what my students know.... Test time!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Substitute doesn't always mean a substitute plan.....

Got your attention with that title didn't I. First off, let me clarify. When no teacher is in the classroom, a lesson plan designed for the substitute is a must. That being said, there was a substitute in class this week, twice as a matter of fact. But, I was here also. Since last Friday, I have had a substitute in the class with me for two days. Two days in Mr. Boyer's room, and two days in Mr. Heyler's room.

I honestly wasn't sure how to feel. It was nice knowing that they had trust in me to continue teaching classes without their guidance, but, absolutely terrifying to realize that they weren't there to guide me. But, I did what I do everyday. Put on my teaching pants, and came to school. It ended up being a great experience, and I got the opportunity to connect with two more colleagues. Ms. Heyler and Mr. Williams.

Ms. Heyler (no relation to Mr. Heyler) was a great teacher to work with. Not only did she offer advice and tips for teaching, I also learned that she too went to Penn State and majored in (wait for it)......... Agricultural and Extension Education!!!!! She explained that after she graduated, she wasn't sure if teaching was for her, so she went into the business field. After leaving, she came back to teaching as a substitute, and is currently searching for a full time opening. It was nice to have a sub with this kind of background, so she could not only offer specific tips for teaching Ag, but was a great team member, in case I got a question that I wasn't quite sure how to answer.

One of  my attempts at grafting
Mr. Williams was substituting for Mr. Heyler. While he didn't have much of an agricultural background, I found that he had great report with the students, and, he even commented that he enjoyed the static electricity lesson I did with the students, and was going to try some of the experiments with his grandchildren at home.

I think this week was a good one for me to go on my own though. In my Ag Science and Horticulture classes, we discussed asexual propagation, and in Horticulture, we even got to practice grafting and performing leaf cuttings on plants. (Ag science will be doing a slimmed down version of that next week.). Along with asexual propagation we discussed the use of tissue culture, and my Hort. students are now working on an end of unit project.

In Ag Mechanics, we all about electric, about electric, electrical wiring!!!!! after spending a few days last week, and one day this week explaining wiring and electrical concepts/safety, we are now in the full swing of wiring, finishing duplex receptacle wiring, and, starting spst (single pull, single throw) light wiring. And while school policy says that while the teacher is gone, we can't use the equipment, we are still going over topics that will help them better understand their wiring skills.

Two of my seniors who play basketball. SO PROUD!!!!!
Speaking of Ag Mechanic Students, I am proud to say that I witnessed my boys beat their rivals, and fellow district school Williamson High. I know I've only been here for a couple of weeks, but, I can honestly say that I am proud of these guys, and proud of the things they are doing.

After the week I've had, I can safely say that I can handle the pressure of no cooperating teacher, and that I've been prepared with the skills to still have an engaging lesson even without the use of our shop tools.

I also learned that just because a substitute teacher is in the class, doesn't mean that learning can't be happening. It just means that the information on the topic might need to be provided more than what a typical teacher would need. But, in both classes I saw learning occurring, and both Mr. Boyer and Mr. Heyler stressed the importance of students actually having work, and it being relevant. That's what I mean by a "substitute plan". Substitute teachers went through training, classes, and student teaching just like us. They are capable of handling a classroom, and more than willing to do what their job is, Teach. It is a waste of students time and potential to just have them watch a useless movie. And besides that, no matter who's teaching the lesson, there's no substituting a fun, educational lesson in class.

That's all this week. Next week will be a whole new challenge for me, As I not only switch from my horticulture class to Metal Fabrication, but, in Ag Science, we will be moving on to our next unit.... Animal Science. Have a great rest of the week, and from a very chilly Northern Tioga County, STAY WARM!!!!!!